Luigi Rosselli, Apartments, Concrete, Offset Balconies, Built in Planter Boxes, Timber Deck

Benelong Crescent Malleable Architecture

The newly completed Benelong Crescent apartments are inspired by the sinuous forms of Erich Mendelsohn’s Einstein Tower in Potsdam, completed in the 1920’s. The apartments cascade down the hill to follow the contours and the curved terraced balconies are shaped by the irregular boundaries of the site, rounded off by the prevailing winds.

The Living areas have ample fenestrations opening onthe large terraces, extending the interior spaces on the projecting panoramic outdoor space.

The high end of the building is facing a quiet street with large trees and the walls have been moulded to wrap around the trees.
The individual treatment of the different apartments have provided a “this is not a flat ” look.

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