We take to the air to look at a number of finished projects, and a few works in progress.
Two recently completed projects on Sydney Harbour manage a sloping site with ocean views to different effect.
The Bennelong Apartments in Bellevue Hill step down the hill, terracing the site to provide a series of balconies that project toward the harbour views. The arrangement of the five apartments across the site allows good solar access to all living areas, and provides outdoor entertaining areas unencumbered by overhanging structures.
A single residence on Elamang Avenue, Kirribilli takes a slightly different approach to the sloping site, with the terraced living areas of the house separated by landscaped courtyards, roofs and balconies.
From the air you can see the extensive photovoltaic array and solar hot water system that are part of this residence’s sustainability scheme – that earned Elamang Avenue the 2011 Australian Institute of Architects NSW sustainability Award.
From the harbour side to the seaside to take a look at a number of completed and in-progress projects in the Prince Henry site at Little Bay. These developments are part of a master- planned community by Landcom that has been awarded the 2009 President’s Award from the Urban Development Institute of Australia.
Luigi Rosselli Architects has four individual residence projects on the site, employing different approaches in response to their varying orientations and aspect, while maintaining a consistent attitude to sustainability and resilience, designed to survive in these harsh seaside conditions.
Prince Henry at Little Bay
Prince Henry at Little Bay