The carbon footprint of Luigi Rosselli Architects has been progressively reduced to achieve a “neutral” certification.
We are proud to say that, as a small carbon footprint business, we:
– Encourage use of public transport and bicycles. Our office is located adjacent to Central Station and has secure bicycle storage with only 10% of employees commuting by car or motorcycle.
– Are within a non-air-conditioned building, relying on natural ventilation and good insulation to moderate temperatures. Natural light is maximised through the offices open fit out with small voltage task lights and low energy general lighting used in the evenings.
– Only run electronic equipment when in use and switch off at the end of the day.
– Encourage paperless filing. The printer is automatically set to the recycled paper tray with double-side printing and recycled paper being mandatory for all architect and administrative copies and prints.
– Luigi Rosselli has offset his carbon emissions with certified offsets (for 2011-12 Financial Year)
– Promote ESD principles to all our new clients (and some old ones). Promoted also are services in ESD marketplace.
– Are implementing ESD in all aspects of our design, over and above the statutory requirements.
We must thank Climate Friendly for calculating our office footprint and organising the wind turbine credits.